June 1, 2021

I hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! I had a lot of opportunities to count my blessings over the weekend. I am so thankful for all of those brave heroes who fought and gave their lives so that we could have our freedoms. We are the home of the free, because of the brave - and for that I am forever grateful.
We had a cold and rainy weekend with a high of only 45 degrees. Brrr! I even had to get my winter boots back out again. Originally we planned on hosting an outdoor barbecue with some friends but the weather did not cooperate. So our barbecue turned into a warm and cozy dinner party. Wow, I have really missed hosting dinner parties this past year and a half. It warmed my heart to have my house full of friends and laughter again. And I loved having my dining room table full, with the people that I love. This past weekend make me so thankful, for SO much!

Yes, it is June 1st but this weekend I had to wear boots! Bring on warmer days and flip flops!

We had smoked pulled pork sliders, coleslaw, macaroni and cheese and baked beans for our barbecue. What foods did you enjoy this weekend? What are you thankful for?