January 6, 2023

Happy 2023! I hope that everyone enjoyed the holidays with your friends and family! And I hope that your new year is off to a fantastic start!
I am absolutely thrilled with the way that my new year is starting! I just noticed that my Facebook page, "Kir's Cuisine" now has over 7,000 people following it! Wow! That is such an incredible honor. Thank you all!
I am so grateful for each and every one of you! I am having so much fun and I can't wait to share more recipes and tips with you throughout this year! Thanks so much for sharing this journey with me! You all are really such a fun and postitive group!
Please be sure to share my page and recipes with your family and friends! And please be sure to follow my Instagram page @kirscuisine as well!
I would love to see this page continue to grow as I am having so much fun with it. Be sure to please check back soon for some new recipes! I will be posting one of my favorite cocktails this afternoon!