November 25, 2020

I love living in the country! I feel so lucky to have this amazing turkey farm just five minutes from my house. It is an old school farm that only takes cash or check as a payment. My "order" is on a rolodex card with my name and phone number handwritten. I check in, they give me my card and I pass the card along to the person to retrieve the turkey that I ordered. Totally old fashioned and comforting...just like this special holiday! It does not get any fresher than this! I love supporting this local farm and I love that this is a part of my Thanksgiving tradition. The farm fresh turkey comes out perfectly every year! Thanksgiving will be a bit different for all of us, that's for sure. But keep those traditions alive!

I can't wait to cook this turkey tomorrow! I love the way that it makes my whole house smells! I am so excited to kick off the holiday season!