November 13, 2020

Happy Friday all!! It has been a crazy, hectic and busy week here. Sometimes busy weeks just call for a simple and classic cocktail that will push you into the weekend. Tonight I needed a bit of caffeine with my Friday night cocktail and it did just the trick!! Gotta love a classic, right?! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!
Rum and Coke Cocktail
2 oz. spiced rum
4 oz. cola
Juice of a lime or lemon wedge
Simply fill a tall glass with lots of ice. Add the spiced rum and coca cola. Stir and squeeze your choice of lime and lemon and enjoy. Enjoy right away! Cheers to a wonderful weekend!
I am giving this "Party Patch" a give try this weekend!! I will keep you posted if it works!! Such a fun gift from a dear friend! Cheers!!