September 24, 2021

Happy first Friday of fall! I really try to not to drink too much soda but my Friday night football games have me hooked on a Friday night Coke. The little bit of caffeine is a perfect way to end a long and busy week!
Since tonight's football game got rescheduled to tomorrow afternoon, I am still going to treat myself to a coke. With some rum! Why not?! Who doesn't love a classic rum and coke? Rum goes perfectly with a coke and a lime wedge!
Now that I do not have to go anywhere tonight, our hammock is calling my name. And maybe we will go and chill around the fire pit a little later? How are you spending your first Friday of fall?
Rum and Coke Cocktail
2 oz. spiced rum
4 oz. Cola-Cola
Lime wedge or two
Simply fill a glass with lots of ice. Add the spiced rum and Coke. Stir and squeeze in a lime wedge or two and enjoy while the Coke is still nice and fizzy.

Cheers to a wonderful weekend full of fall festivities and fun!